Hello Lawry, 

This is a very controversial theory, vigorously espoused by
one fellow, vigorously doubted by most geoscientists. I have
some references and will search for more or better ones. 

Stephen Straker
Vancouver, B.C.   

Lawrence DeBivort wrote:
> Recently, a most respected and technically qualified friend visited, and
> among the other ideas he laid on me was the following:
> Oil (petroleum) is not created by the decay of biomass over eons. It is
> created by some form of bacteria. The implications are that oil may be an
> unlimited resource, and that we are not drawing down on a resource that will
> become increasingly rare and expensive. Also: productive and long-term oil
> deposits are likely to be more common than commonly thought.
> My reaction was skepticism, but this friend is no lightweight, has a very
> strong engineering and scientific background, and carries on an active and
> personal worldwide technology and science scan.
> Your thoughts?

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