Could be several things compounding - some loss of foreign confidence in the US as a place to invest, a deliberate attempt by the US government to get people to buy American and create jobs, or growing weakness in the overburdened and overstressed US economy, plus other things.  It's very hard to read at this stage, but if it doesn't result in some form of gain to the US, Bush may be in serious trouble indeed.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Keith Hudson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 3:25 AM
Subject: [Futurework] The big slide?

> It is possible that the events in Iraq are the cause of the weaker dollar
> that has occurred in the last day or two and that this is the beginning of
> a big slide -- much overdue, of course, in view of the trillion dollar
> trade deficit. If it continues, then this will cause higher prices to the
> American consumer for those items that are imported and this will occur
> long before American business can take up the slack. Greenspan might feel
> obliged to raise interest rates in order to prevent too steep a slide in
> the value of the dollar and this could then trip off the beginning of the
> personal credit card debt crunch -- again long overdue and in need of
> correction. We could now be in for bad times.
> Keith Hudson
> Keith Hudson, Bath, England, <>
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