Hi Charlse.

Remember here that when your talking abut the Rnib, your talking about a so called charity that, when it was at one point reviewing one of it's own hotels to see if it should remain open, had it's directors stay at the five star delux hotel across the street then close the Rnib hotel for not making a prophit!

The term "law unto themselves" fits very well here.

Btw, As regards canes i just find that advice weerd! I've been using a cane for the last 19 years as I learnt to use one at the age of 10, and have been all over the world with one.

I was always taught they should! be shoulder hight, precisely so that you can! walk at your own pace without having to shorten your stride.

Iv'e actually only just stopped using a cane this november thanks to my new firry companion (currently asleep on my foot).

Beware the Grue!


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