Hello steve.

i freely admit my initial post may have been somewhat over frustrated, however please allow me to explain.

I actually have! approached the rnib in connection with not just selling other people's games, but promoting audio computer games in general. Their response "well most blind people wouldn't like them"

This is as I said because in my experience the rnib shows litle interest in visually impared people who do not conform to their idea of what visually impared people should be. Rather than tayloring their service to what is required or available, they have one single idea they stick to and ignore anything that does not conform with it. i'm afraid this opinion is born out by considderable experience which I would be glad to detail, ---- not the least of which is bringing these concerns before the rnib themselves and being roundly ignored time after time.

As to your games specifically, perhaps if I can explain my frustration in a more rational manner.

While I accept that you write games expressly for computer novices, so they run from the cd, have logical controls, grids that do not wrap etc, my frustration is caused by the fact that the games themselves! appear to be simplified, indeed one might almost say dumbed down, and thus perpetuating sterriotypes concerning blind and visually impared people.

Even if we limit ourselves only to the field of traditional or puzle based games, your games often lack options or choices which are taken as standard not only in other versions of similar games produced by other developers, but also in games generally.

For instance a score system and records of previous games, in certain games the ability to customize the difficulty etc.

While I freely accept that having a player presented with many options to customize games can indeed be confusing, this to me does not automatically mean such options should be missed.

For example, In Ian Humphries bg braniac (a concentration style game similar to your own memory), there is the option to have lots of different board sizes, have the player gain points for correct matches, decide whether one or two pairs are on the board at the same time etc, however it is also possible to simply start the program and bang the enter key to play with the default settings, or to use only one of the settings keys sinse each is tied to a different function key.

The fact that more options exist does not take away from the simplicity of the game, but adds extra customization to it for those who wish such a thing.

As I said, I truly thank you for the demo cd and free games, and I'll certainly do my best to write none biased descriptions as is my professional duties to audiogames.net.

however, on a personal level I must confess I find your approach of missing out possible complexity and customization, to be rather lacking in it's scope, especially considdering that unlike some of the other traditional games available, yours are comparatively expensive to buy (this isn't to say such things should be free, only that given the price that your charging I feel you could possibly add more to the games).

While I freely accept that gamers of different skill levels and intentions exist, it does seem unfortunately as far as the Azabat games are concerned, they operate only to the lowest common denominator, rather than, ---- as would be the case with something like the Spoonbill games or several of Jim Kitchins, working on a basis of appealing to as wide a cross section as possible.

While I am sorry if my previous message was over hasty, and I do accept that I may have been more frustrated than considder, I do however think there is a legitimate point here, ---- and indeed I'm extremely pleased that you are on this list and are able to discuss it openly.

All the best,


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