>>> On 10/10/2007 at 4:50 PM, in message
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Bernard Li"
> Have a little proposal about the versioning.
> Right now trunk is 3.1.0, and when snapshots are created, it appends
> date to it specifying it is a snapshot.
> The issue is, if I am to release test RPMs, and later wanted to
> upgrade to the release version, this won't work because 3.1.0.XXXXX >
> 3.1.0.
> I would like to propose that prior to release, the version is always
> smaller than the released version, so perhaps we should make the
> version in trunk 3.0.9, and when release comes around, we change it to
> 3.1.0, tag, then release.
> I think quite a few other open source projects use a similar approach
> -- what do you all think?

You could go with an odd vs. even versioning.  Apache does this by naming all 
of the development betas an odd major revision and the official release as 
even.  In other words, when we release the first alpha of 3.1, it will be named 
3.1.1 (as long as it stays in trunk).  Then the next would be 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 
etc. When we finally come to the stabilization phase, getting ready for a 
production release, then you branch trunk into a branch called 3.2.x and trunk 
becomes 3.3.x.  Release candidates from that branch are then named 3.2.1, 
3.2.2, 3.2.3, etc. until an official release is made.  Follow on releases from 
the same branch just continue in the next minor revision sequence.  Official 
releases will not have contiguous minor revision numbers, but that doesn't 
really matter.  They will all begin with 3.2.<something> as long as releases 
from that branch are produced.  This way any odd major revision number 
indicates unstable code and an even major revision number indicates stable 
 code.  Also your version numbers are always increasing so that you don't have 
the update problem.


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