On 28/03/14 09:07, Alexander Karner wrote:
> Hi!
> I think we should continue to put an emphasis on portability:
> Ganglia is not only used in Linux environments but also on AIX, HP-UX,
> Solaris etc.
> This includes both, gmond and gmetad (+webserver).

In the earlier reply from Adam, the idea of a plugin / module API was
raised.  So we could have a plugin that emulates the status quo and we
could also have a plugin that does PostgreSQL

Does the gmond module API work effectively on AIX and the other
platforms you mention?  Does the current build system correctly generate
DSOs on some or all of those platforms or are there any platforms where
people are still relying on static linking?

> Personally I'd suggest to check, which tools are available in those
> platforms. For the DB this could be for example postgresql.
> How would the current architectural overview match a "Grid of Grids"
> environment? Would this allow us to search for a system on the central
> gmtead WebUI and then jump to the specific grid server?
> And: Would this also match actual requirements about partition mobility?

Can you please clarify this question, when you say current, do you mean
the existing gmetad 3.6 or the gmetad 4.x that is proposed in the diagram?

For my 4.x proposal, I believe that we could still provide a lightweight
daemon that reads from MongoDB (or whatever) and serves up an XML just
like the current gmetad port 8651/8652 output.  People who want a
hierarchy of gmetad servers could then configure the next gmetad up the
hierarchy to poll that XML service daemon.

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