On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 1:45 AM, Maxime Brugidou

> I don't understand why all this is necessary.
> I strongly disagree with the "horizontal scalability" of mongoDB ( i run a
> very large mongodb cluster in production in addition to other databases)
> and would rather suggest a pluggable backend with a simpler default (like
> text files or maybe postgresql or mysql).

I'll just 2nd this opinion. My immediate reaction to the addition of mongo
is rejection - my experience with it at scale has been awful & on a small
scale it always feels like overkill. Further, since the data being served
seems like a relatively small dataset it's unclear to me why there cannot
be more options. For our use case (which is ~180k metrics) an in-memory
datastore for metadata should be more than sufficient assuming it can be
re-hydrated from some persistent source which could simply be waiting for a
polling interval of gmetad. I have no need for the addition of nagios /
rsyslog events.

I've never looked at Ganglia as a horizontally scalable system and accepted
that because it made things simple. If I need to scale it out I need to
partition my grids / clusters.

Not understanding what cool new capabilities will result from having a
database like Mongo backing the metadata my guess is that I'd stick w/ 3.x
for as long as I could and then find another solution. If the addition of
this complexity added considerable capabilities that were *actually*
realized then perhaps I'd use it, but I can't imagine what that would be.


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