On Tue, 7 Apr 2020, Christopher Faylor wrote:

> >Can we please switch it off?  It's not like we really had a problem before 
> >the switch to mailman.
> You can't really make statements like this which imply that you are
> aware of "problems" on sourceware when you're not a sourceware
> administrator.
> We actually were munging the From on the old server and we were getting
> an increasing number of complaints to postmaster that people weren't
> receiving mail.

 Hmm, methinks these really ought to be bounced to the postmaster of the 
broken receiving site.  It is not that sourceware has been actually doing 
anything specific to make the recipient's MTA refuse e-mail.  Even if some 
spam prevention has been installed to block some kind of e-mail, whoever 
requested some kind of e-mail traffic need to have a way to whitelist the 
traffic requested, and I believe all list server software provides means 
for the recipient to identify the source, such as a `List-ID' header or 


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