Hi -

> > A number of lists I'm on switched to our current style of minging a
> > year or two ago, because gmail users were not receiving mail, because
> > gmail was rejecting the mail.
> I find that unconvincing, because even googlegroup email lists don't 
> mangle From: from sender domains that are now mangled by sourceware.org 
> :-/

It turns out receiving mail FROM google-groups mail is itself
sometimes at risk because it fails to do this From: mangling, and its
ARC/DKIM re-signature of mail requires even more software to process
and bless.  (Its current behaviour on some groups-gmail lists I'm on
are DMARC non-compliant.)

> Can we please switch it off?  It's not like we really had a problem
> before the switch to mailman.

We have offered some first-hand evidence that there were problems,
just they were worked on by people in the background.

- FChE

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