On Tue, 7 Apr 2020, Christopher Faylor wrote:

> >In a way that's amusing and just reinforces my p.o.v. that DMARC is 
> >bollocks.
> Not that it means anything but I agree 100%.
> It's like whoever made the "standard" just said "to hell with mailing
> lists".

 Maybe they just didn't know of their existence.  Seriously.

 I have actually been more and more astonished recently with the discovery 
of people living in some kind of a parallel reality of Internet standards 
and practices, who never heard of solutions and habits I have known since 
forever and considered obvious.  Especially as we now have an entirely new 
generation of IT people who never actually saw the Internet like it was 
back in 1990s and earlier on, simply because it was before they were born.

 Consequently things that used to work since forever start breaking and 
people you report such breakage to have no clue as to what you're talking 


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