On Sat, 10 Apr 2021, 13:50 David Brown, <david.br...@hesbynett.no> wrote:

> On 09/04/2021 20:02, Christopher Dimech wrote:
> >
> >> Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2021 at 5:01 AM
> >> From: "David Brown" <david.br...@hesbynett.no>
> >>
> >> Different opinions are fine.  Bringing national or international
> >> politics into the discussion (presumably meant to be as an insult) is
> >> not fine.  This is not a political discussion - please stop trying to
> >> make it one.
> >
> > It is an assessment of what you propose.  The removal of people from all
> > positions is a political statements.  I have no problem with political
> > discussions and certainly don't take instructions from you, to say the
> > least!  What you talk about is exactly what drives Chinese and Russian
> > officials to suppress anybody who does not conform with their demands.
> > The consequences will be the same should you and others get your way
> > of doing things.
> There is a big difference between suppression or censorship, and wanting
> people in leadership positions to be representative of the values of the
> group they lead.  RMS can have all the opinions he wants, and act has he
> will (until he ends up arrested for it), but if he is to remain a
> representative for others (FSF, GNU and/or GCC), then he has a duty to
> act appropriately according to the values those organisations think are
> important.
> I think that you mix up freedom and free reins.  Freedom is not anarchy.
>  Being free from sexism, prejudice, bullying, and harassment are as
> important as freedom of speech or politics.
> >>
> >> We (the free software world) does not need a person with the qualities
> >> of RMS any more - that is the point.  There should not be such a
> >> position as "Chief GNUsance".
> >
> > Secondly,  I cannot clearly see what status you have for making
> statements
> > that imply a representation for the free software world!!!
> >
> I have said very clearly that I am a user of gcc - not a developer, and
> the opinions I express are very much my own.  The does not hinder me
> from saying what I think the free software world (developers and users)
> want or need.  I have not made any claims or suggestions that I am privy
> to the minds of others, or that my opinions and ideas are in any way
> more weighty than those of others.

David is a frequent contributor to the mailing lists, helping other users
with their questions about GCC. That's a lot more than can be said for most
of the new posters who have appeared here for the first time recently,
trying to influence how we run the project.

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