Regarding attrition of mentors, it was discussed having mentors 'sign'
the board report for their podling. Could that be encouraged, and used
as a sign of minimum 'activity' for a mentor?


On Mon, Jan 9, 2012, at 08:10 AM, Sam Ruby wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 8, 2012 at 9:55 PM, Benson Margulies <>
> wrote:
> >
> > Sam,
> >
> > I started this separate thread because I view this situation as
> > distinctive from the problem you are referring to here. I take that
> > situation just as seriously as you do, I think. If you'd prefer that I
> > drop this (less urgent) problem until that one is under control. I'm
> > happy to do so.
> It is fair enough statement that not all of us need to work on what I
> happen to think is most urgent.  This statement is true even if we
> might happen to agree on the relative priorities.
> I will merely point out that your suggestion is at least mildly at
> cross purposes to the issue that I want addressed.  One of my concerns
> is that there are a number of podlings that are comfortably nestled in
> with no need to graduate.  However, that is by no means my biggest
> concern, which is the silent attrition rate of mentors.  In the case
> of Isis, I am fully prepared to accept that that podling has at least
> one active mentor.
> > No, I'm not asking for a blank check. I'm asking you and the other
> > more experienced people if you think that the idea of treating
> > Isis-like podlings differently from other podlings by giving them more
> > autonomy and less oversight makes any sense to you. If you all say,
> > 'no, we don't want to change anything,' I'll drop it. If you say 'hmm,
> > let's talk details,' then I'll attempt to flesh out details. However,
> > since your bottom line is 'make a more concrete proposal,' then I
> > will, but I will wait a bit to see if this thread attracts any other
> > thoughts about the overall concept first.
> You previously mentioned that there might be incubator requirements
> that are burdensome on mentors.  Identifying those and ways to address
> them are things that I could definitely support.
> Looking specifically at Isis, the last report[1] to the board contained:
>     Top 3 Issues to address in move towards graduation
>     * More blogging/publicity from existing community...
>     * More users of the framework...
>     * More committers to the framework
> The latter might be a concern.  The first two however are not direct
> concerns.  At most, they are indirect: i.e., ways to attract
> committers.  Looking at the incubator page[2], I see more than three
> committers, and in fact four of them are ASF members.  If at least one
> of these ASF members intends is willing to continue on the PMC, and
> the lack of committers were the only issue, then I would be
> comfortable with this podling graduating.
> - Sam Ruby
> [1]
> [2]
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