Generally in agreement, but:

> given there may be a license issue and it's very easy to fix, why not fix it?

Any "fix" will look like the old code and thus be "modified".  

The new graph in this case happens to have the same number of nodes and arcs as 
the original copyrighted artwork, but arranged in a completely different way.  
Your position seems to be this might not "fix" the problem.

I think we are all in agreement that a randomly generated set of nodes and arcs 
would be compliant, even if the code still looks similar.

On 11/6/21, 11:40 PM, "Justin Mclean" <> wrote:


    > And sure, the image labeled with B and C is based on the non-labeled 
image with smiley faces, so I'll concede that image, and even the exact network 
it represents, may fall under CC-BY-SA, and thus it was correct to remove the 
old code.

    This main issue I think as the old code wasn’t replaced but modified. 
Modified stuff in general keeps the same license the original. That may apply 
here, but I’m not 100% sure, but I don’t think it a serious issue. But given 
there may be a license issue and it's very easy to fix, why not fix it? Also 
other IPMC members can still vote +1 and this become a release, but I suggest 
the project fixes it in a future release. If you had used teh WIP progress 
disclaimer I would have votes +1 and suggested that.

    > Are you asserting that any directed graph is CC-BY-SA licensed?  If not, 
what is the threshold for difference that you would accept?

    I would assume not, but you'd need to get actually legal advice to regards 
what the threshold would be. As is every user of this software may need to seek 
that advice in order to use it without that risk. The risk could be minimal or 
nonexistent, but IANAL it's best IMO to err on the side of caution with stuff 
like this.

    > Would it be acceptable to generate a completely random graph using [1] 
and represent that in the code?

    Sure, but so would one that the project came up with itself that wasn’t 
based on another one, or one that was under compatible license.

    Kind Regards,
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