
Hi all, I never wrote to this list before today - though I've been lurking it since some time ago.
I'm not a committer/contributor of any of ASF projects. My interest in this list is because I'm working (privately) on something I paln to donate when it will be a bit finished (if it doesn't prove a stupid idea).
My opinion therefore does not count as a +1/-1 of sort (I imagine).


I assume SD Magazine seems about to make a mistake which will upset some their readers (besides the ASF and -if any- the other companies wich "contribute" to tomcat): the "...and its leading contributor..." part is just plain wrong and senseless and I imagine SD will be more than happy to correct it.

The correct way to credit a company for its de facto contributions to tomcat should be to mention it somwhere in the article (or to institute a "special prize") w/o attributing a product to the wrong entity - JBoss could request such a recognition from SD if it deemed appropriate.

Also, I would not insist on having tomcat called "Apache Tomcat": after all, Jakarta itself refers to tomcat just as "Tomcat" and SD should be free to avoid utter redundancy in it's pages - their article is informational and not legal.

So I would completely agree with Henry's original proposal regarding the naming, if my opinion meant anything ;)

As of what concerns JBoss giving the correct credit to tomcat, I think their current attitude is more than satisfactory: just say they have a link to jakarta in their home page! (which, be it said without complaining, Jonas does *not* have).
Well - it's under "JBoss projects" but doesn't it really mean they spend money on tomcat? Note it's not "JBoss products".

Besides, does Hivemind in its homepage give credit to JBoss for using javassist? And does BMW give credit to Brembo for providing brakes?

Of course JBoss has a return on linking to Tomcat, but I think it's a problem of their marketing department whether the wording gives the impression of "we support tomcat" or "tomcat is ours" - ie: I don't think many of jboss' customers would appreciate the second interpretation and it's hard to believe that one of them ignores tomcat is an ASF product (if they do, they will discover it at the very moment they get a stack trace "org.apache.[...]").

My opinion is that JBoss is an "Honest Company wotking with open source": I don't know if there are companies trying to backstabbing ASF, but I think that for sure JBoss is none of them.

I would greatly appreciate an official ASF point of view regarding JBoss' current policy to be published in this list sometime in the near future - thanks


Remy Maucherat wrote:
Henri Yandell wrote:

Due to the timeliness of this, I plan to send it Sunday night. Given that we're on a weekend, I doubt it will be read until Monday.

Any opinions?

I am definitely contributing to Tomcat as part of my employment at JBoss. I am not contributing on my own free time to Tomcat as an individual at the moment, and (as far as I can remember, as it was a while ago ...) have submitted a company CLA reflecting that (http://www.apache.org/licenses/#clas). Anyway, it is obvious Apache has the notion of company contributions. Stating otherwise is wrong, and does not match the legal documents the ASF uses.

I think continuing with the current attitude would only lead my company to reevaluate its involvement in ASF projects, and I could not really blame them if they did. Of course, this may be what some people here seek (hopefully, it is not and it's just my paranoia at work).


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