I think the Jolt awards knew better and were trying to send a message
similar to the '94 nobel peace prize for Arafat, Peres, and Rabin (which
incidentally didn't work very well).  (Or, the '98 award for Hume and
Trimble for that matter.)  Instead of firing off an email to SD, why not
stop, observe that we haven't done a good job enforcing trademark and
communicating philosophy and resolve to fix things going forward.

As for the "a leading contributor" statement.  You can't tell me this
doesn't happen with other organizations.  Anyone is perfectly free to
make the observation that JBoss is "a leading contributor" to Tomcat
much the same way I could say that BEA is "a leading contributor" to
XMLBeans.  Some of us may think it wrong, but it is open to editorial
interpretation regardless of ASF philosophy.  

Let's change the corporation so as not to drill into the open cavity
that is the ongoing spat between JBoss and the ASF.  Instead focus on
the (much less contentious) relationship between BEA and the ASF:

Reporter: BEA is a leading contributor to the XMLBeans product.
ASF: Well, no, we really don't recognize corporations, we recognize
Reporter: Great, but doesn't BEA employ a good number of XMLBeans
ASF: Yes, a good number of them are employed by BEA...
Reporter: Well, why can't I write "BEA is a leading contributor to..."
ASF: Because, that's just not our philosophy it's about people not
Reporter: Oh, ok, sure, but why can't I just call it like I see it
ASF: Because we think it is wrong
Reporter: Thanks, I'll take it under advisement.


The only thing I'd ask JBoss to do is to change the menu link to "Apache
Tomcat" from "Tomcat".  Because they've agreed to our license, I believe
we have every right to have them change "Tomcat" to "Apache Tomcat".  I
think that's a fair enforcement of trademark (even though I'm not
certain we have a trademark).  I believe it would help clarify things if
the JBoss page prefaced the work Tomcat with the word Apache.  That's

Tim O'Brien
(847) 863-7045  

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Henri Yandell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2005 12:18 PM
> Cc: general@jakarta.apache.org
> Subject: [draft] SD Magazine: request for change
> Due to the timeliness of this, I plan to send it Sunday 
> night. Given that we're on a weekend, I doubt it will be read 
> until Monday.
> Any opinions?
> -------------
> Subject: Tomcat 5.0 error in JOLT announcement
> Hi Kate,
> I'm writing to let you know about a serious error on your 
> JOLT product excellence awards press release, and I assume in 
> your forthcoming June
> 2005 issue:
> http://www.sdmagazine.com/pressroom/jolt_winners_2005.pdf
> You've incorrectly attributed Apache's Tomcat 5.0 product to 
> "The Apache Jakarta Project and leading Tomcat contributor JBoss".
> There are two, very big, problems with this.
> The first is that Apache does not have a concept of leading 
> contributors, it is completely out of sync with the very 
> philosophies that lie at the heart of the Apache Software 
> Foundation (ASF).
> The second is that JBoss are not a contributor to Tomcat. Two 
> Tomcat committers are employed by JBoss Inc, but they commit 
> to projects at the ASF as individuals and not as members of a 
> company. This is true of all committers to the ASF, whether 
> the company be Sun, IBM or Fred Bloggs Inc.
> We would like to request that this be changed to:
> Tomcat 5.0 (The Apache Software Foundation)
> in both the press release (pdf url above) and the forthcoming 
> June 2005 issue.
> Thanks,
> Henri Yandell
> V.P., Apache Jakarta
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