On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 7:21 PM, Doug Goldstein <car...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> I'm curious who had the brain dead idea to retire Gentoo developers
> that are still interested in the distro, that maintain low activity
> packages for herds that are stretched way too thin, and are still
> contributing to the distro in many ways other than direct CVS commits
> (e.g. overlays, user support, providing hardware to other devs, etc).
> I could MAYBE understand it if they're consuming some valuable
> resource that we need to free up by retiring them. But instead they
> get a nasty-gram about their impending retirement and decide if that's
> how they are to be treated that they can be retired. When they finally
> want to contribute again they have the lovely uphill of our dreadfully
> painful recruitment process.
> I'm really just trying to understand the sense in this.
> --
> Doug Goldstein

Probably best to give an example.

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