On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 6:30 AM, "Paweł Hajdan, Jr."
<phajdan...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> 3. I think what's important is to keep packages maintained. I consider
> maintainership to be a duty, not a privilege. If someone is listed in
> metadata.xml, but is not really maintaining the package, that creates a
> formal illusion that the package is maintained, and may prevent other
> people from stepping up and taking maintenance of that package.
> 4. I suggest that we focus on the above: keeping packages maintained.
> Taking packages out of hands of inactive/overworked maintainers is good.
> They can always become _more_ active, which is easier if they retain cvs
> access. If they make a single commit every 3-6 months, I'm fine with
> that as long as things are maintained properly.

+1000. The point is not to retire developers. To point is to make sure
we have a clear picture of what packages are (somewhat actively) being
maintained. Perhaps the undertakers project (or some other project)
should focus more on package maintenance history than activity



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