On Saturday 02 August 2003 23:51, Kees Bergwerf wrote:
> Op zaterdag 2 augustus 2003 22:23, schreef Stephane Brossier:
> > I used the "-5" option which automaticall merge the files,
> > and it seems it deleted some of my config files such
> > as /etc/fstab.
> > The result is that I cannot boot gentoo anymore. Pretty bad...
> I always use the -3 option. Lots of configfiles I have never touched,
> so they can be replaces safely (I think :-) ). When neccesary I go to
> another console (ctrl-alt-F2) to make a copy of the file that will be
> replaced. I could not find any merge option in env-update :-(. It
> would be nice if there is one, that merges the old config with the
> new one. Anybody?

I pick the files that I know I have modified ie giving the number of 
that file instead of the -#. Then etc-update gives me choices of either 
replace or delete the update or interactive merging of the two files, 
which i mostly use. After I have done the files I have modified I 
simply use the -5 to replace the resto of those files. Nowadays those 
-5 handles files are quite few, becuase portage is automerging so much 
of the stuff.

PS. I do use ~x86 keyword to get the testing stuff in my system.

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