* Mark Knecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-08-02 15:39]:
> * On Sat, 2003-08-02 at 13:51, Kees Bergwerf wrote:
> > * Op zaterdag 2 augustus 2003 22:23, schreef Stephane Brossier:

> > > I used the "-5" option which automaticall merge the files,
> > > and it seems it deleted some of my config files such
> > > as /etc/fstab.

A few points:
(*) emerge says "I didn't overwrite your config files in case it would
change any important settings - I've left it so you can see whether the
changes are good or not"
(*) you told etc-update "just blindly overwrite the config files - I
don't care"
(*) you complain that things don't work any more

Think on that for a moment...

> This is IMO the most very frustrating part of the way Gentoo works.

You mean that it doesn't tie your hands behind your back to stop you
shooting yourself in the foot?

I've always found it more than satisfactory. etc-update automatically
merges any trivial changes and then I use the interactive merge option
(3, I think) to make sure my settings don't get overridden.

> > I could not find any merge option in env-update :-(. It would be 
nice if there 
> > is one, that merges the old config with the new one. Anybody?

(*) Select the number of the file
(*) Select "3) Interactively merge original with update"
(*) Update diff-by-diff how you like
    Admittedly this bit is the most unintuitive at first as it doesn't
    tell you what the options are. But if you type "?" it gives you the
    ed:     Edit then use both versions, each decorated with a header.
    eb:     Edit then use both versions.
    el:     Edit then use the left version.
    er:     Edit then use the right version.
    e:      Edit a new version.
    l:      Use the left version.
    r:      Use the right version.
    s:      Silently include common lines.
    v:      Verbosely include common lines.
    q:      Quit.
    Usually a mix of "r" and "l" is all that's needed.
(*) Select "1) Replace /etc/fstab with merged file"

> > Or you can start with the gentoo life cd, mount the partition and 
edit fstab.

That's how I've got myself out of similar sticky situations. :-)


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