On ma, 2003-09-29 at 14:59, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 12:33:54PM +0100, Rick [Kitty5] wrote:
> > One easy way to rule out over-heating, install povray and leave it rendering
> > something overnight (at a command prompt, not in X), its still up in the
> > morning.... (btw, doesn't have to be pov, anything that pegs the cpu at 100%
> > for hours on end will do - but with pov you get a pretty picture at the end
> > of it)
> Seems like a lot of work... if you just want to peg your CPU for a heat
> test, this infinite perl loop will do the job nicely:
>   perl -e 'for (;;) {}'

Not quite so, as it will not utilize anything save jumps. Jumps won't
generate much heat in any CPU, altough ps will show 100% CPU usage. If
you really want to test for heat, install GIMPS Mersenne client from
www.mersenne.org (no Gentoo package available). You can set the client
for system benchmarking only, if you're not interested in joining the
prime searching project.

Note that some errors, like memory errors, can take a long time to be
noticed. Leave the client running for at least a week to see if your
memory is OK. GIMPS can detect memory errors which are unnoticed by
memtest86 binary.

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