> From: Ben Munat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2004/01/04 Sun PM 05:04:16 EST
> Subject: [gentoo-user] emerge questions
> How often should I emerge sync? 

Well, I don't think you need to do it more than once per day, Ben. Check the 'rsync 
etiquette' guide on gentoo.org. I doubt you're running anything on a normal desktop 
that requires daily rebuilding, but even if you do want to live so on the edge, just 
sync once per day. It puts a heavy load on the servers. Sync nice. :)

> How often should I update portage?

Whenever an update is available. I haven't found that this happens so frequently to be 
a bother.

> Do I need to emerge sync again after updating portage? 

Nope. 'emerge sync' only updates your Portage tree. The chances of something changing 
between your first emerge sync, your emerge -u portage, and then another emerge sync, 
are infinitessimal at best.

> How often should I emerge -u world or emerge -u > system? 

This is pretty much up to you. Do it whenever you like. Just don't cry when things 
break if you run ~x86.

> Can I look forward to things breaking when I emerge -u world or system?

Perhaps, if you run ~x86 (as stated above) or if you do other silly things, like run 
KDE while compiling glibc in one term window, gcc in another, xfree in a third, and 
mozilla in a fourth. :)

> Thanks,
> b

No problem.


'Esse quam videri.'
To be, rather than to appear.

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