Jc García <jyo.gar...@gmail.com> [14-12-01 20:36]:
> 2014-12-01 12:40 GMT-06:00  <meino.cra...@gmx.de>:
> > Rich Freeman <ri...@gentoo.org> [14-12-01 19:16]:
> >> On Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 12:46 PM,  <meino.cra...@gmx.de> wrote:
> >> > What is the difference here?
> >> > Isn't it, that all shutdown applications only send some instructions
> >> > to the kernel and the kernel is the main actor in bringing the system
> >> > down?
> >> >
> >>
> >> About the only thing the kernel might have a role in is turning off
> >> the power.  Almost all of the shutdown logic is in userspace and it
> >> isn't surprising that copying scripts between distros is going to
> >> cause issues since the whole service management component varies
> >> GREATLY across distros.  Maybe if you're using systemd you could copy
> >> between distros since that is more standardized, but even then there
> >> can be differences.
> >>
> >> In a traditional sysvinit system usually shutting down is accomplished
> >> by changing runlevels, which immediately starts/stops anything in
> >> inittab (generally only gettys) and calls a script which does all the
> >> actual work.
> >>
> >> If the issue is that userspace shuts down fine but the system reboots
> >> instead of powering off that could be a couple of things which
> >> shouldn't be too hard to track down.  An obvious question is whether
> >> the hardware even supports being powered off in the first place - this
> >> isn't an ATX motherboard.  Powering off a system can sometimes be
> >> remarkably tricky depending on how standardized the platform is.  I
> >> was reading an article on it a few years ago and I think linux
> >> actually implements several different mechanisms that get tried in
> >> series, with the final fallback being a halt without powering off.
> >>
> >> --
> >> Rich
> >>
> >
> > Hi Rich,
> >
> > AH! :) Thanks for the informations!
> >
> > From what you say, it is a kernel problem, since the kernel
> > is the one who switches off the lights...
> >
> > But even if I use the same kernel as used for the Debian system
> > it does not work...
> >
> > May be shutdown says "power off the system" and the kernel understands
> > "reboot the system"?
> > I mean: In principle the kernel would be able to poweroff the system
> > but there are some communications difficulties with the guys from
> > userland? ;)
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Meino
> >
> >
> >
> I've always turned off across linux distros (BSD is other story) with:
> # shutdown -hP now
> the help says :
>  -h:      halt after shutdown.
>  -P:      halt action is to turn off power.
>  -H:      halt action is to just halt.
> I've not seen you using the -P flag.

That's why the manufacturer of the Arietta G25 - Acmesystems said
to use shutdown -h -H now for that purpose:
Second question below the title "Arietta G25 just on top of the

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