On Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 2:51 PM,  <meino.cra...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Jc García <jyo.gar...@gmail.com> [14-12-01 20:36]:
>> I've not seen you using the -P flag.
> That's why the manufacturer of the Arietta G25 - Acmesystems said
> to use shutdown -h -H now for that purpose:
> http://www.acmesystems.it/qa
> Second question below the title "Arietta G25 just on top of the
> page...

Have you just tried using -P to make sure that it doesn't work?  The
instructions also say to use Debian, not Gentoo.  Since most of the
shutdown behavior is in userspace and using components that vary
significantly between distros, I wouldn't blindly follow the
instructions written for one distro and expect it to just work with a
different distro.

Maybe Debian has some bug that makes -P not work, but -H does work.
Maybe OpenRC doesn't have that bug.


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