Joerg Schilling <Joerg.Schilling <at>> writes:

> > Does this accomplish what you want:

> > "sync;sync;sync;halt"   ?
> Do you believe that a method described for early AT&T UNIX (early to mid  
> > 1970s) where "halt" did not yet exist is a valid idea for Linux?

valid has no value here. Meino is trying to get his embedded (hack job)
to shutdown. He first needs to get this accomplished before
finding/developing a robust solution for his unique embedded needs.
This is how most embedded workflows propagte, often with a singular dev.
Meino is very lucky, he has the gentoo community to toss him ideas
on a regular basis.

So no, not part of regular system administraion. YES for a transient
solution to an embedded hack.


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