On Friday 10 Feb 2017 19:39:44 Dale wrote:

> I generally let emerge build packages in parallel. This works because a
> lot of packages are small and don't take long to build or much room
> either.  However, there are a few exceptions.  For me, Seamonkey,
> Firefox and Libreoffice cause issues.  I would like those to build one
> at a time instead of at the same time.  I've had times where all three
> have updates but having two of them at the same time occurs pretty
> regular.  I thought I recalled this needing to be in package.env but my
> test didn't work.  I put this in package.env:
> www-client/seamonkey  MAKEOPTS="-j1"
> www-client/firefox  MAKEOPTS="-j1"
> Since I'm here, you can guess that emerge didn't like that.  So, either
> I'm putting that in the wrong place, the wrong way or something.  Oh, I
> looked at the wiki and I didn't see things like this.  I just went with
> what little I recalled which seems to be not correct.

The way you've set it will tell portage that, when it comes to emerging 
seamonkey, it should only use one process(or), and likewise for firefox. I 
think those options will only take effect within each package, not while 
deciding which packages to build.

What you want is some kind of interlock, so that only one of the competing 
packages can be emerged at a time. I don't know how to do that, sorry.

> ... I may want to disable portage on tmpfs as well, for Libreoffice at
> least.

I've seen a description of exactly that somewhere; you need two portage tmp 
directories, one tmpfs and one real disk, then switch from one to the other 
by redefining PORTAGE_TMPDIR in package.env. Something like that, anyway.


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