On 11.02.2017 12:22, Dale wrote:
> Johannes Rosenberger wrote:
>> On 11.02.2017 10:39, Dale wrote:
>>> Mick wrote:
>>>> This is how I have configured per package FEATURES here and it seems to 
>>>> work.  
>>>> For example configuring ccache for large packages which take days to 
>>>> emerge on 
>>>> an old PC:
>>>> # cat /etc/portage/env/ccache.conf 
>>>> FEATURES="ccache"
>>>> Now I need to point particular package(s) to it:
>>>> # cat /etc/portage/package.env 
>>>> app-office/libreoffice ccache.conf
>>>> www-client/firefox ccache.conf
>>>> www-client/chromium ram_limit.conf ccache.conf
>>>> If I want more packages to use ccache.conf I add their name/version in the 
>>>> /etc/portage/package.env file.
>>> I just tried copying your way, except for the setting I want, and it
>>> didn't work.  I'm wondering if it just won't do this particular setting
>>> for some reason. 
>>> I've tried having package.env as a file and as a directory.  It didn't
>>> like either way.  Either it can't do this or I'm missing something
>>> really simple here. 
>>> Thanks. 
>>> Dale
>>> :-)  :-) 
>> I think the problem is that you can change FEATURES but not emerge
>> arguments while emerging since ebuild(1) is invoked fore every package
>> but emerge(1) once for all.
>> So I see two possible solutions here:
>> 1. Dump the list of packages to install via emerge -p. Then split the
>> list up and chain
>>    emerge invocations (possibly with arg --nodeps) such that the
>> non-parallel
>>    packages will be invoked separately.
>> 2. Use emerge options -j and --load-average so that no new ebuilds are
>> started
>>    while one uses much cpu load. In my experience this does not
>> unparallellize
>>    reliably but I am trying out to use higher job  and load limits in
>>    than in emerge args so single packages that can utilize the whole cpu
>> do so before
>>    emerge intervenes and starts another ebuild.
>> I hope this helps
>> Johannes
> Based on this and Neil's reply, I may just have to tell it to exclude
> updating those when I do my regular updates.  Then go back and tell it
> to do them later one at a time. 
> The biggest reason I needed to do this is that I usually have portage's
> work directory on tmpfs.  I just don't have enough memory to do them all
> at the same time, one at a time would work tho.  If I ever get around to
> upgrading to 32GBs, then this won't matter. 
> Thanks.
> Dale
> :-)  :-) 

What about using zram with lz4 for the work directory
Could be a good compromise. I'm using it (8GB RAM) but haven't
benchmarked against tmpfs.

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