On Fri, 10 Feb 2017 22:19:48 -0600, Dale wrote:

> Dale wrote:
> > Howdy,
> >
> > I read where someone did this but I can't find it now.  I looked at
> > the wiki and did some startpage searches, no luck.  Here goes:
> >
> > I generally let emerge build packages in parallel. This works because
> > a lot of packages are small and don't take long to build or much room
> > either.  However, there are a few exceptions.  For me, Seamonkey,
> > Firefox and Libreoffice cause issues.  I would like those to build one
> > at a time instead of at the same time.  I've had times where all three
> > have updates but having two of them at the same time occurs pretty
> > regular.  I thought I recalled this needing to be in package.env but
> > my test didn't work.  I put this in package.env: 
> >
> > www-client/seamonkey  MAKEOPTS="-j1"
> > www-client/firefox  MAKEOPTS="-j1"
> >  
> > Since I'm here, you can guess that emerge didn't like that.  So,
> > either I'm putting that in the wrong place, the wrong way or
> > something.  Oh, I looked at the wiki and I didn't see things like
> > this.  I just went with what little I recalled which seems to be not
> > correct. 
> >
> > Can someone point me in the right direction here?  Examples would be
> > nice because I may want to disable portage on tmpfs as well, for
> > Libreoffice at least. 
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Dale
> >
> > :-)  :-) 
> >  
> I found another howto.  That ended with this setup:
> root@fireball / # cat /etc/portage/package.env
> www-client/seamonkey  ../env/single.conf
> www-client/firefox  ../env/single.conf
> root@fireball / # cat /etc/portage/env/single.conf
> MAKEOPTS="-j1"
> root@fireball / # 
> From my reading, I put the setting in the env directory file and the
> package names in package.env.  Thing is, it still tries to build them
> both at the same time.  Once I get these two to work, I'll add
> libreoffice to it. 
> My first test gave a error message.  I added the ../env/ part and it
> doesn't give a error but it doesn't recognize it either.  I'm missing
> something.  My eyes ain't real good today, allergies, so I may be not
> seeing something right. 

You have done it right this time and portage is doing exactly what you
tell it to do. unfortunately that is not the same as what you want it to

MAKEOPTS governs the number of parallel processes executed by a single
compile. So your setting it is allowing parallel merges, but each one uses
only one CPU core.

I don't think what you want can be controlled by package.env, since you
want to change an emerge command line option, not an environment
variable. What you want requires "emerge -j 1".

Neil Bothwick

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