
On Tue, Dec 13, 2022, 12:18 AM Alan Ianson <agian...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello list,
> I am a gentoo newbie. I have installed gentoo about a month ago and have
> been busy since in my free time getting it up and running.
> I have a problem with quakespasm, it segfaults on startup.. this is what I
> get..
> alan@irondust:/usr/share/games/quake$ quakespasm
> Command line: quakespasm
> Found SDL version 2.24.2
> Detected 2 CPUs.
> Initializing QuakeSpasm v0.95.1
> Host_Init
> Playing registered version.
> Console initialized.
> UDP Initialized
> Server using protocol 666 (FitzQuake)
> Exe: 20:46:02 Dec 12 2022
> 256.0 megabyte heap
> Video mode 1920x1080x24 60Hz (24-bit z-buffer, 0x FSAA) initialized
> GL_VENDOR: NVIDIA Corporation
> GL_VERSION: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 390.157
> FOUND: ARB_vertex_buffer_object
> FOUND: ARB_multitexture
> FOUND: ARB_texture_env_combine
> FOUND: ARB_texture_env_add
> FOUND: SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval
> FOUND: EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
> FOUND: ARB_texture_non_power_of_two
> FOUND: glGenerateMipmap
> Sound Initialization
> Segmentation fault
> alan@irondust:/usr/share/games/quake$
> I get the above with version 0.95.1 (installed from guru using the git
> version) and from 0.94.1 also from guru.
> I am not sure why it segfaults or what I can do about that. I have built
> it with sdl and sdl2 and I get the same result.
> I have run quakespasm on other distributions like debian, archlinux and
> slackware without issues so there may be something different about gentoo
> that I need to know about.
> Any thoughts or ideas about how to get this working would be appreciated.

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