Also, would it be possible to get commit access to the gt-dem plugin as
well as a branch created for the ImageMosaic API work?


On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 4:19 PM, Devon Tucker <> wrote:

> Hi Andrea,
> Thanks for the questions.
> On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 11:02 AM, Andrea Aime <
> > wrote:
>> Hi Jody,
>> at present I cannot vote on the proposal because I have troubles getting
>> a grip on it.
>> Here are a few things that might help understanding, section by section:
>>    - *Description*: this is fine, makes sense, no questions (one thing,
>>    the recursive file loading during indexing is already the default behavior
>>    as far as I know)
>>    - *Index Generation: *quite a bit lost here, how are
>>    MosaicIndexConfiguration and GranuleCatalogManager going to be used by the
>>    existing classes? Or are they replacing it? I'd need to understand how the
>>    existing code is going to get reshuffled into a generic machiner plus
>>    default implementations of the two above objects? Also, can you provide an
>>    example of an alternate implementation (being the refactor targeted to
>>    extensibility)
>>    - *Harvesting: *same as above, how is the code going to be moved
>>    around, and examples of alternate implementations
> I hope to clarify these parts soon. To be honest, these parts were done
> earlier in the project and we've zig-zagged multiple times since then, so
> even I need to revisit to solidify and clarify this section. To give some
> perspective on the original motivations behind this part, at the time we
> were:
> - Performing some pre-processing on rasters before indexing them (adding
> overlays, creating alpha bands, generating elevation outlier footprints)
> - Collecting custom properties from rasters during indexing (resolution,
> date stamps, various tiff metadata, sample date, etc.)
> - Looking at harvesting granules on demand either via. rest or the
> geoserver UI.
> - Exposing more of this configuration through a custom store and layer
> config in GeoServer.
> - Index generation code is very isolated as it stands. It's tough to
> programmatically configure index generation.
>>    - *Delegate coverage acceptance/rejection to a predicate object*:
>>    makes sense I guess, so the reason to have this plugable is because you
>>    might roll a collector that has less limitations than the default ones?
>> Exactly.
>>    - *Pre-process Granule Footprint Before Indexing*: makes sense,
>>    thinking out loud is the footprint the only thing that needs reprocessing?
>> No, it's not really the only thing that need reprocessing. In fact
> PropertyCollectors have a tangentially related responsibility (and are used
> in roughly the same spot). Maybe this functionality could be combined
> somehow, and make monolithic some sort of monolithic visitor which would be
> responsible for:
> - Collecting properties from granules
> - Pre-processing the granule footprint if needed
> - Populating the index feature
> And so on. I'll have to think about this one a bit more, but as the
> proposal stands at least FootprintProcessor has a very clear responsibility.
>>    - *Generalize Mosaicking per GranuleCollector and Update
>>    GranuleCollector to a tree-like hierarchy*: an example would be useful
>> I can do an example for this. The motivation here is to delegate the
> actual mosaicking to an object which may internally be delegating to other
> mosaicking objects. For example, the default implementation would have the
> logic for mosaicking per-resolution first, then resampling and mosaicking
> those results.
>>    - *Enhance the GranuleDescriptor and GranuleCatalogVisitor
>>    interfaces: *same as above, examples of these "arbitrary properties"
>>    to be used would be useful
>> I will provide examples for this as well. In our RnD it was necessary to
> set the CRS on each granule descriptor.
> Hope this clarifies a bit. I expect to be working on this the rest of the
> week and be able to answer remaining questions.
> Cheers
> Cheers
>> Andrea
>> On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 2:48 AM, Jody Garnett <>
>> wrote:
>>> Proposal is updated:
>>> I reworded the API change section with clear BEFORE/AFTER descriptions
>>> making it easier to follow. After this I am far more comfortable with the
>>> proposal as a whole. I have some specific class naming doubts (is
>>> GranuleCatalogManager really a manager) but they can be sorted out during
>>> the refactor.
>>> +1
>>> A couple feedbacks:
>>> - (done) go ahead and merge back to master, we can edit there as a group
>>>> :)
>>>> - (done) for the API change on MosaicIndexConfiguration - can you take
>>>> the cometary out to some bullet points so we can see the proposed class in
>>>> one go
>>>> - (done) the tasks section seems incomplete, we mostly use this to
>>>> check that you have enough resources/time to get the work done
>>>> - loadGranuleCatalogFromDataStore seems a bit odd to make, taking a
>>>> properties file (I guess of connection parameters) rather than a DataStore?
>>>> We have the Repository API that meets this need for app-schema and
>>>> pregeneralized datastore (I do not think you will have scope to address
>>>> this one)
>>>> - MosaicIndexConfiguration <-- is this really a configuration? It looks
>>>> to be more of a strategy
>>>> - (done) I am not familiar with this codebase so a diagram (say from
>>>> objectaid ) could help
>>>> - (done) Consider moving your before and after code examples, and a
>>>> diagram up to the description section :)
>>>> --
>>>> Jody Garnett
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