On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 1:19 AM, Devon Tucker <devonrtuc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Here are a few things that might help understanding, section by section:
>>    - *Description*: this is fine, makes sense, no questions (one thing,
>>    the recursive file loading during indexing is already the default behavior
>>    as far as I know)
>>    - *Index Generation: *quite a bit lost here, how are
>>    MosaicIndexConfiguration and GranuleCatalogManager going to be used by the
>>    existing classes? Or are they replacing it? I'd need to understand how the
>>    existing code is going to get reshuffled into a generic machiner plus
>>    default implementations of the two above objects? Also, can you provide an
>>    example of an alternate implementation (being the refactor targeted to
>>    extensibility)
>>    - *Harvesting: *same as above, how is the code going to be moved
>>    around, and examples of alternate implementations
> I hope to clarify these parts soon. To be honest, these parts were done
> earlier in the project and we've zig-zagged multiple times since then, so
> even I need to revisit to solidify and clarify this section. To give some
> perspective on the original motivations behind this part, at the time we
> were:
> - Performing some pre-processing on rasters before indexing them (adding
> overlays, creating alpha bands, generating elevation outlier footprints)

Image mosaic looks like the wrong place to do this, the importer would be
much better (and already does some of those). See below for more
observations regarding this.

> - Collecting custom properties from rasters during indexing (resolution,
> date stamps, various tiff metadata, sample date, etc.)

This is done by property collectors, why not just extend that?

> - Looking at harvesting granules on demand either via. rest or the
> geoserver UI.

The REST api already does that. There is no UI for it though.

> - Exposing more of this configuration through a custom store and layer
> config in GeoServer.

This can be arranged too, not sure it needs a refactor for that.

> - Index generation code is very isolated as it stands. It's tough to
> programmatically configure index generation.

Ok, this one makes sense... the others do not seem to actually require a
refactor though.

>>    - *Delegate coverage acceptance/rejection to a predicate object*:
>>    makes sense I guess, so the reason to have this plugable is because you
>>    might roll a collector that has less limitations than the default ones?
>> Exactly.

Ok but... why not keep the improved collectors in the mosaic instead? They
would benefit every user there (instead of just the gt-dem users)

>>    - *Pre-process Granule Footprint Before Indexing*: makes sense,
>>    thinking out loud is the footprint the only thing that needs reprocessing?
>> No, it's not really the only thing that need reprocessing. In fact
> PropertyCollectors have a tangentially related responsibility (and are used
> in roughly the same spot). Maybe this functionality could be combined
> somehow, and make monolithic some sort of monolithic visitor which would be
> responsible for:
> - Collecting properties from granules
> - Pre-processing the granule footprint if needed
> - Populating the index feature
> And so on. I'll have to think about this one a bit more, but as the
> proposal stands at least FootprintProcessor has a very clear responsibility.

See above about the usage of the importer. The indexing happens during
layer configuration in the UI, expensive operations are best done during
Normally what you are describing here is done as part of a "ingest"
machinery, which is a off-line ETL of sorts that prepares the data for
publication, but
before it actually reaches GeoServer. The importer is one example of those,
I've seen several others, all of them were asynch and offline.

>>    - *Generalize Mosaicking per GranuleCollector and Update
>>    GranuleCollector to a tree-like hierarchy*: an example would be useful
>> I can do an example for this. The motivation here is to delegate the
> actual mosaicking to an object which may internally be delegating to other
> mosaicking objects. For example, the default implementation would have the
> logic for mosaicking per-resolution first, then resampling and mosaicking
> those results.


>>    - *Enhance the GranuleDescriptor and GranuleCatalogVisitor
>>    interfaces: *same as above, examples of these "arbitrary properties"
>>    to be used would be useful
>> I will provide examples for this as well. In our RnD it was necessary to
> set the CRS on each granule descriptor.

Ok... but wouldn't it be better to keep the CRS information as an attribute
in the index instead?


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