Murray Adelman wrote:

> Ghostscript has a script that converts ps to pdf, so you don't need a
> proprietary program to produce it.  I would agree that it shouldn't
> replace ps but perhaps both can be available.

I didn't know about that: I will look at it!  I sometimes do get asked for PDF...

> It is not a question of advantage of one over the other.  There are a
> lot of non-UNIX based people who have the free "acroread" program to
> read pdf files; but who don't want to or don't know how to install and
> configure gs.
>         Murray

Hell!  You mean there are other operating systems?!?!  (Just quoting a Microsoft user

Good point.  I don't generally use MS or Mac platforms, so I admit to having a
distorted view.   I didn't realise they were so bad on the postscript utility front.
But then, and MS guy told me the other day Unix didn't have a windowing system!

More seruiously, is there a security issue with downloading pdf, or does gs's safer
mode still work?  This is a real question, not a FUD attempt.

If it's such a quick job to convert, may the page could use a CGI to do it on the
fly.  OK, I'll shut up now 8-)


Dr. N.J.Bailey-----------------------------------------------
Lecturer in Electronic and Electrical Engineering
University of Leeds, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds,
LS2 9JT. UK.-------------------------------------------------

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