> When I was patching up to Mutopia 1.1.44 I noticed the "TASKS" file, requesting
> people to help with the Mutopia, so here I am...

Great!  I've been meaning to post it to a news group, and wanted to
ask the mailing list for more comments.

> >
> > Volunteers that want to setup and maintain a website and FTP site.
> I would be willing to do this - see further down the e-mail. I work part time
> as a professional website designer, BTW.


> > Volunteers with enough legal knowledge to write submission guidelines.
> Not me, I'm afraid. I understand the basics but am no lawyer.


> I would be quite happy to take on this job as well as I think having a
> different website editor from project leader would create a few problems. I
> also have quite a lot of time on my hands ATM :-)
> I think that the problem with Mutopia as it stands (apart from not having
> enough music or its own website!) is that it is only accessible to people who
> install Lilypond - hard enough on Linux, damn near impossible for a beginner on
> Windoze.

My idea was to write some kind of detailed manifesto first.  I think
mutopia need be limited to LilyPond files.  I propose that it should contain

* Public domain sheet music

* In formats for printing (I propose PS and PDF)

* And in formats for editing.  The formats should have Free software
  for processing (ABC, LilyPond, Musictex, PMX are OK but not SCORE,
  Finale or Sibelius.  MUP is dubious)

* All scores and input files should be governed by a "Free" license
  (GPL, OCL, public domain, etc.)

> I would propose to upload every file in postscript format (probably A4
> and Letter size) as well as the .ly file so that people only need ghostscript
> to print the music out. I'll get a friend of mine who has Windows to see how
> hard the Windows version is to install and use.

I gather that PDF is much more popular in the windoze world than PS.

> To this end, I've created a preview of what I think the Mutopia site should
> look like and (hopefully!) uploaded it to:
> http://members.xoom.com/chrissawer/mutopia.html

It looks nice.  Am I right that the buttons on the left ("Fur elise",
"M. Clementi") are images?  Isn't that bandwidth unfriendly?

I have one additional practical comment: if the archive grows large, I
think that there have to be different indexing schemes, and preferably
a "search" interface.  Must this be addressed now? 

Third, do third parties upload sources or do they upload entire
packages of source and .ps and .pdf?  I think the latter is more
practical provided we provide packaging standards.

> Take a look and let me know what you think.
> I think Mutopia has the potential to be huge - bigger than even project
> Gutenburg, as people don't really want to print out books or read them on
> screen - they just buy them. Music is different, as it is often only a few
> pages which would be easy to print out, and is very expensive to buy.

This never occurred to me. It will be interesting where this will go.

> I'd love to join the team!

Great! It would take some burden off our hands, and make the
separation between LilyPond and her input more clear.


Han-Wen Nienhuys, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter 

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