> From: Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 12:48:34 +0200 (CEST)

> I fear there may be problems of an ideological nature.  The GMD
> archive contains lots of scores without sources (eg., your cello
> suites), 

That's my decision as editor of the suites, not as maintainer of the
archive. There are several reasons. I don't like that someone uses my 
sources for a commercial version - it's easy to modify the source such 
a way, that the copyright notices disappears and that nobody can proof 
that it was originally my work. Another reason is that I make my edition
with much care. It's easy to make garbage arrangments out of it which
I don't like to see neither with my name on it, nor without my name
on it. Another reason is that I make most of my editions with a very
specific cause (e.g. the 1:1 editon of Bach's Sonatas and Partitas).
And I don't like that this specifics are disturbed. Another reason
is that only I are entitled to make a printed edition e.g. for the 
works by Heinz Irsen. ...

I like to share the sheet-music for non-commercial purposes, but I don't
like to share the source. If someone want's to see, how the editions
are made (by MusiXTeX or PMX or ...), he may get a sample. If someone
want's to use the edition for another version he may ask me and if
he can convince me that it is in my direction then I'm sure we'll meet.

Some composers supply only the score not the parts, because they
at least want to be informed what happens with their works. This
isn't possible if the source is on the server, too.

etc. etc.

> and scores that require non-free software (eg., Beethoven
> cantabile for Guitar).

Maybe that there is no free software with full capability to process
the source. But maybe there is a restricted version which may be able
to process the source.

But I'm not sure whether the editor is willing to distribute the
source. If he is willing, then he may store it on my server.

My first goal is to provide "free" sheet music; in general this "free"
means only "free for printing and copying". As everybody should know
possesion of a "valid" sheet music copy does not include the right of
public performance if the composern isn't dead for more than 70 year.

If the sheet music is accompanied by other material (source, sound, midi, 
text, ...) then this is welcomed, too. The only thing which is really
required, that the one who uploads the music has the right to provide
(printed) copies. I will not reject any sheet music because of the way 
it has been produced.

> To me, that is unacceptable, and I think I am
> not alone.

Because most users are not interested in the source, but in the sheet
music, I know that I'm not alone. For most users it's difficult enough
to print the music [*] - although most problems in this direction disappear, 
if the users follow at least once to "Introduction", "Einführung",
"Introduzione" :-(

-- Werner

[*] Up to now I wasn't able to get a running version of Lilypond under
    MS-Windows - maybe because it took too much time to keep MusiXTeX,
    PMX, M-Tx running :-)

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