> > I fear there may be problems of an ideological nature.  The GMD
> > archive contains lots of scores without sources (eg., your cello
> > suites), 
> That's my decision as editor of the suites, not as maintainer of the
> archive. There are several reasons. I don't like that someone uses
> my
> [..]

I know about these reasons.  They are the same reasons that software
authors are uncomfortable with setting the source code to their
software free.  I personally think that the reasons are not very good
(this should be logical, me being a free software author myself), but
I don't want to go into yet another discussion.

(If you want to know more about my ideas, you can look up the recent
thread "free music" on rec.music.classical.guitar on dejanews.)

> > and scores that require non-free software (eg., Beethoven
> > cantabile for Guitar).
> Maybe that there is no free software with full capability to process
> the source. But maybe there is a restricted version which may be able
> to process the source.
> But I'm not sure whether the editor is willing to distribute the
> source. If he is willing, then he may store it on my server.
> My first goal is to provide "free" sheet music; in general this "free"
> means only "free for printing and copying". As everybody should know

We have a difference of understanding.  When we (at the GNU project)
talk about free, we mean liberty (as in free speech).  We consider
scores that restrict users either

* by not allowing them to sell, modify or print the scores or

* by forcing them to use non-free software for editing

to be non-free.

Free also means "gratis", and it is exactly this distinction that
Daniel Taupin did not understand when we talked to him about the
Musi[xc]tex fonts.

I do not mind that you choose your own restrictive license for your
scores, but such scores are not acceptable for an archive of truly
free music.

(gosh, I feel just like a little Stallman clone. All I need is to put
some curls in my hair and wash it less often :)

> [*] Up to now I wasn't able to get a running version of Lilypond under
>     MS-Windows - maybe because it took too much time to keep MusiXTeX,
>     PMX, M-Tx running :-)

The guy doing our Windows port (Jeffrey Reed), has been quiet for a
while.  I am not sure if it is still maintained.


Han-Wen Nienhuys, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter 

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