> From: Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 13:46:03 +0200 (CEST)

> I have no problem with music that comes from other sources, as long as
> they do not require non-free software.  I guess musi*tex is more or
> less OK, but SCORE or Finale is not. 

If I remember right then there is a free print-engine for SCORE. I think it's
not so easy to find out, what possibilities exist to "free-print" a given
source (e.g. using some conversion tool).

> Lets assume that there are numbering schemes for all works.  (If there
> is none, we can invent one ourselves: the "Mutopus" number, or sometihng.)

For some composers there is more than one scheme (e.g. Vivaldi[*]); for some works
there are "invalid" Opus numbers (e.g. Mozart's Opus 70, Duos for two violins); 
.... It's hard work to invent a numbering scheme for the works of a composer
- nothing simply to be done on the next weekend.

Sometimes you've luck and find out that there exists an accepted numbering scheme.
But then it's often hard to really get and to get it in simple way useable by
anyone who typesets music.

-- Werner

[*] All known numbering schemes for works by Vivaldi have been provided computer-
readable by Dave Lampson. A legal (:-) copy is available from GMD's Music Archive
http://www.gmd.de/Misc/Music/  (look for "Lists").

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