There may be something to be said for the "just get
on with it" approach. In my view, sorting out copyright
words, etc., will need to evolve a little, as you/we find
out how people react to the site.

I'm not trying to stop the debate. I'm just suggesting
that we shouldn't try to get everything sorted out 100%
before the thing is implemented. (or it'll never happen!)

You can probably tell that I'm not a lawyer.


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, July 23, 1999 4:06 PM
> Subject:      Re: Mutopia copyright/legal issues
>    >> In Austria which is said to have the strongest `Urheberrecht' (I
>    >> don't know the English word, sorry) of the world, there are
>    >> quite precise rules how long a citation may be without paying
>    >> `Tantiemen' (again, I don't know the English word) to the
>    >> original author.
>    "Copyright" and "royalty" (or actually since you used the plural,
>    "royalties")
> Thanks!  So I ask people who are discussing copyright issues to be
> careful with the wording of sentences which touch royalty issues.
>     Werner

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