One has to be careful. In Australia typesetting IS covered by copyright, but
only for 25 years (as opposed to 50 years from the death of the
author/composer/artist for virtually any other copyright). If the
typesetting originates in a country that does not protect typesetting then
there may indeed be no copyright protection available to control the use of
mudela files.

>    I realise that typesetting can be copyright - this is the reason I
>    can't buy a book of Bach's Urtexts (for example), photocopy parts
>    of it and give them away.
> Sorry, but you can (at least in Austria or Germany, but not in
> France)!  Typesetting an Urtext edition isn't copyrighted --
> typesetting is a handcraft, not an art.  What's copyrighted in an
> Urtext edition is the editor's comment or the revision remarks,
> cadenzas added by the editor, etc.
>     Werner


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