> Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 17:47:08 -0400
> From: Michael Nyvang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Also OLGA had AFAIK a mixture of copyrighted and out-of-copyright music,
> but it got completely shut down. Mutopia could suffer the same problem,
> if just a few tunes slipped in which was not cleared (and Werner takes
> the same risk currently I think). You should not underestimate the
> legal issues, as things move very fast regarding this in relation
> to the net.

And archives "move" very fast, too. At the time OLGA has been closed there
were many OLGA mirrors. It would astonish me if all of them are closed
in the meantime.

I do not like such movements, if archives contain material which violates
the rights of the owners. This does not mean that I think that OLGA material
did it.

I for myself drive my archive such a way, that I try to find out, whether
the uploaded material is owned by the uploader. If it is, I'll put it
to the archive until the uploader revokes the upload.

Concerning the Mutopia archive if someone thinks that most material is
free of any copyright does that mean, that the uploader may not revoke/
retract his uploads? Does he have the right to replace his earlier upload
by a new version? Who is responsible, that the new version is "better" than
the old?

-- Werner

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