Werner Icking wrote:
> > Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 17:47:08 -0400
> > From: Michael Nyvang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> [...]
> > Also OLGA had AFAIK a mixture of copyrighted and out-of-copyright music,
> > but it got completely shut down. Mutopia could suffer the same problem,
> > if just a few tunes slipped in which was not cleared (and Werner takes
> > the same risk currently I think). You should not underestimate the
> > legal issues, as things move very fast regarding this in relation
> > to the net.
> And archives "move" very fast, too. At the time OLGA has been closed there
> were many OLGA mirrors. It would astonish me if all of them are closed
> in the meantime.
> I do not like such movements, if archives contain material which violates
> the rights of the owners. This does not mean that I think that OLGA material
> did it.

I am kind of glad to hear that the OLGA archive may still move around
somewhere on the net. It does not mean that I support illegal copying, 
but I enjoy to know that the desire to communicate 
and distribute material in more or less free editions is so big
that it is not easily stopped. I hope this could inspire bands, 
music publishers and the composers organizations, to revise their 
conception of the net, away from the commercial broadcasting model 
towards a completely new communication model with new rules specifically 
designed for the net, which respect the nature of the net.

I think it is nuts that KODA and friends destroy collections like OLGA 
which represents a huge collaborative effort by many people, and 
therefore also is representing a valuable resource for us all. All
just to get a few penny more to the composers and publishers.

Best regards,
Michael Nyvang.

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