On 13-Sep-99 Werner Icking wrote:

> Concerning the Mutopia archive if someone thinks that most material
> is free of any copyright does that mean, that the uploader may not
> revoke/retract his uploads?

If they discover that the piece wasn't out of copyright in the first
place then they can e-mail me and I'll remove the piece (obviously I'll
check as best I can that all pieces uploaded are out of copyright).
Otherwise the piece has been placed in the public domain so they can't
remove it - why should they want to?

> Does he have the right to replace his earlier upload by a new
> version? Who is responsible, that the new version is "better" than
> the old?

Yes - the responsibility lies with the "maintainer" of the piece, which
is defined in the header of the .ly file. With Mutopia initially only
accepting out-of-copyright works, the only reason for a new version
would be to correct mistakes or introduce new features of Lilypond that
may have appeared.




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