>Have a look at lily/chord.cc:
>   Chord:banter_str (..)
>That routine constructs a chord name from a list of pitches and
>given inversion.  It would be Good to have other chord name schemes
>too (like more 'traditional american', or whatever).  Actually,
>returning a string is a bit nasty, a molecule would be better.

Ok, I have a better handle on this now.  The only problem (as I see it) that
exists (aside from Lily trying to mangle-ize the chord pitches and
outputting weird chord names for pitch collections that are relatively
non-strange) is assuming that the bass note is part of the chord, when in
fact it may or may not be--it could be a pedal tone or even a non-chordal
tone.  I think I can fix this for you...  Is there some reason why you would
want to assume that the bass note is chordal?

-- Shamus

BTW, I noticed that there exist identifiers to create flats and sharps as
part of the note string ('\\textflat' & '\\textsharp').  Are there such
identifiers for other symbols such as a small open circle (superscripted)
and a small open circle with a slash through it (also superscripted)?

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