On Monday, 20 September 1999, "Shamus" writes:

> Ok, I have a better handle on this now.  The only problem (as I see it) that
> exists (aside from Lily trying to mangle-ize the chord pitches and

Trying to mangle-ize chord pitches?

> outputting weird chord names for pitch collections that are relatively
> non-strange)

Well, that's nothing serious, those are just bugs, and should be listed
in input/bugs/xxx.ly.  I remember only the Cdim7 chord that got messed-up.

The chord code was written by me: we had several requests for chords.
However, I don't know a lot about chords (only that namings are non-
standard and ambiguous), so I bought a book about chords (Banter, see
bibliography) and implemented the simplest scheme.  

For example, Banter says (iirc) that 

   <c e gis> = C 5+, or a whole list of other names, amongst which:

   <c e ges> = C 5-, or a whole list of other names, amongst which:
               Cverm(inderd) (German)

So, I assumed that min/m acts on the third, and aug(mented), 
verm(inderd) =translates as= dim(inisched), acts on fifth.

While (found out only yesterday) it seems that
   <c es ges beses> = Cm5-7-  (7 already means lowered, so 7- == beses)
                              or a whole list of other names, amongst which:
                      Cverm(inderd) (German)!

only this chord is known as 'dim(inished)'?

What a mess, imh-non-expert-o.

> is assuming that the bass note is part of the chord, when in
> fact it may or may not be--it could be a pedal tone or even a non-chordal
> tone.

Sorry, I never heard of extra bass tones that might not be part of a
chord.  Example? 

> Is there some reason why you would
> want to assume that the bass note is chordal?

You say yourself the 'bass note' (whatever this is: is c the bass note
in <c e g>, and is there a situation where it is /not/ part of the chord?)
may be part of the chord.  So, not knowing about this bass note thing, I
simply assumed all pitches would be 'part of the chord'.  Seems like
good reason :-)

> I think I can fix this for you...

You seem to know more about chords than Han-Wen and me.  We need you!
Please go ahead and fix it.

> -- Shamus
> BTW, I noticed that there exist identifiers to create flats and sharps as
> part of the note string ('\\textflat' & '\\textsharp').  Are there such
> identifiers for other symbols such as a small open circle (superscripted)
> and a small open circle with a slash through it (also superscripted)?

No.  We (you?)'ll have to add symbols to the feta font, that's where the
textflat/sharps come from too.  The \textflats/sharps will have to go, and
be replaced by a molecule, see lookup.cc:

    Lookup::accidental (int j, bool cautionary) const



Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
http://www.xs4all.nl/~jantien/      | http://www.lilypond.org/

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