On 16-03-2021, Space A. wrote:

>> This seems very dismissive of the many members of the community which
> *did* invest the time and energy to discuss the design for the past years.
> When the contracts design was announced in 2018
><https://blog.golang.org/go2draft>, the process was explained. Including
> the fact that it is a draft, which will see several revisions, that this
> process will likely take a couple of years and how we can participate in
> it. Many of us have seen that announcement and understood it for what it
> was and thus - even if (like me) they were opposed to the idea of generics
> in Go - decided to participate in it to do their best to ensure the outcome
> was a good design or a rejection.
> That's absolutely up to you, but some of us (including myself) can't invest
> so much time because we have to earn money for living.

Every body need to earn money for living. Generics will maybe help for
that. It's why we was a lot (in the community) to invest time discussing
this since years. I thanks Alex and others who have contributed a lot
more time than me. We should respect all this work.


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