Do you all want to chat about this in singapore? or just keep discussing
do you seek WG Adoption of the draft 'now' or would you like to chat about
it a bit more first?

On Mon, Oct 9, 2017 at 5:52 PM, Nick Hilliard <> wrote:

> Wolfgang Tremmel wrote:
> > just reading your draft, a few remarks, speaking as a private internet
> citizen:
> >
> > "If a route server client announces a prefix tagged with both the
> >   NO_EXPORT and NO_EXPORT_VIA_RS communities to a route server, the
> >   route server MUST ignore the NO_EXPORT community,"
> >
> > --> that means that NO_EXPORT_VIA_RS is "stronger" then NO_EXPORT and
> > actually changes the meaning of NO_EXPORT.
> >
> > I know that users make stupid mistakes and this should perhaps cover
> > the mistake of setting both, but IMHO with NO_EXPORT being much older
> > and really well understood and used, I think NO_EXPORT should take
> > precedence.
> >
> > (IMHO NO_EXPORT should be interpreted, and never passed through,
> > independent of a router or a route server is used)
> According to rfc7947, it is a matter of local policy whether NO_EXPORT
> is interpreted or passed through.  This has always been the case in the
> IXP world: some IXP route servers interpret NO_EXPORT and some pass it
> through. So it's not correct to say that the behaviour of NO_EXPORT is
> well-understood when it comes to route servers - this topic has been the
> subject of a good deal of debate in the IXP community over the years,
> with no resolution.
> The approach we're taking with NO_EXPORT_VIA_RS is to effectively say:
> "we recommend not using NO_EXPORT because you don't know what it's going
> to do.  However, if you choose to use it in combination with
> NO_EXPORT_VIA_RS, it's clear what your intention is, and the lack of
> ambiguity with NO_EXPORT_VIA_RS when announced to a RS means that it
> should override NO_EXPORT, in this and only this situation".
> > My first idea when reading this was why not make it general, why
> > limit the community to route servers and not have a "SET_NO_EXPORT"
> > community which directs the next hop AS to set NO_EXPORT?
> > ( I already sent this email to Nick and his answer that its limited
> > to RS because otherwise some kind of TTL needs to be implemented
> > makes sense)
> Limiting the community to route servers is necessary because otherwise
> you'd need to implement a bgp-path TTL in order to limit the radius of
> interpretation.  I don't think you could safely use the as-path for
> determining how far the prefix should propagate.  Also there would be
> other problems with prefix distribution which would be hard to solve,
> e.g. what would happen in situations where an ASN's routing kit wasn't
> updated to interpret this correctly?  The prefix would be propagated
> across asn boundaries according to standard policy, but the NO_EXPORT
> interpretation might hit a couple of ASNs away, in an unexpected place.
>  I don't see how it would be possible to stop this from happening.
> At least if there is a requirement that this is only interpreted on
> route servers and then religiously deleted on export, the scope for
> creating problems is a good deal smaller.
> Nick
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