Job Snijders wrote:
> OK, but you are not explaining to me why the current set of RFC's can't
> be updated to encourage different NO_EXPORT behaviour on route servers
> (compared to the rest of the BGP speakers), but instead a new community
> is required.

it's because there is no consensus in the IXP world and there are a lot
of deployed instances which would need to be changed one way or another.

>>> > > Why is there no consensus amongst route server operators on what the
>>> > > correct behavior is? Can you provide a citation?
>> > 
>> > all that aside, DE-CIX already has all that functionality using our
>> > own communities (we actually have two, one for adding NO_EXPORT and
>> > one for adding NO_ADVERTISE, and also allow selective adding using
>> > Large Communities):
>> >
> This doesn't tell me why there is no consensus :)


- the RFCs are formally ambiguous, dating way back to RFC1863 (which is
acknowledged to be experimental, but documented the practices going back
to the mid 1990s)

- each IXP which has gone one way or the other has carefully considered
reasons for doing what they did

- because of this, it will not be possible to reach consensus on
interpreting NO_EXPORT or passing it through (we have tried)

- the authors of this ID believe that the only way to fix this problem
is to acknowledge that it cannot be fixed, then move on.


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