Axel Simon <> writes:

> On 21.04.2010, at 12:45, Andy Stewart wrote:
>> Hi Axel,
>> Axel Simon <> writes:
>>> Dear all,
>>> the repo at now contains a cabal version of Gtk2Hs,
>>> well, at least of the core packages glib, cairo, pango and gtk. In the
>>> future the package gio should be part of this set as well. All other
>>> add-on libraries, however, are likely to move into their own darcs
>>> repositories.
>> Does that mean we need move all packages (except glib, cairo, pango, gio
>> gtk) to their own repositories?
> Yes!
>> For example, do I need to create a new repository 
>> after I finish conversion to Cabal?
> Yes. Maybe we can apply for these repositories all at once.
Okay, i see.
>>> During this transitional period it is not possible to
>>> build the other libraries but I encourage people to get the new cabal
>>> version using
>>> darcs get
>> Above command need password, should use below command:
>> darcs get --partial --old
> Yes, true. Users without write access need to use the http: URL. I just 
> tagged the repo with 0.10.5
> and pushed this patch to the repo on  my webpage containing the changes you 
> made.
>>> and to add cabal files to the any of these add-on libraries. Notes on
>>> that below ("Creating a cabal file for a Gtk2Hs add-on library").
>> I'm working on `vte`, `webkit` and `sourceview2`, i haven't test code for
>> other packages, can you convert other packages?
>> And we should drop
>>   `gtk2hs/gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/TreeList`
>> and
>>   `gtk2hs/sourceview`.
>> Above two packages is departed, haven't any reason to maintain them.
> Yes, the first version of sourceview can probably go.
Can't remove `TreeList` ?
`ModeView` can replace it complete.
Or you don't want break user's code? :)

>>> Observe that updating your current darcs repo of the previous version
>>> of Gtk2Hs is not possible since I had to obliterate several patches in
>>> order to merge changes. Furthermore, there are quite a few patches in
>>> the previous repository that added a lot of new functions but which
>>> need further review. These patches have been merged into the new cabal
>>> version but for now remain in a separate repository which can be
>>> accessed at .
>> I will correct those patches after i finish convert job.
>> BTW, i recommend we release next version after we finish Gtk+ 2.20 binding.
> I think we should release as soon as all the cabal files and the new 
> repositories are in place. The
> last release has been quite a while ago and people are waiting for a version 
> that compiles with ghc
> 6.12.
Okay, i see.
We release cabal files and don't wait Gtk+ 2.18 or Gtk+ 2.20
We add all new functions after release cabalized version.

And good news is, current cabal packages works perfect with GHC-6.12
>> And i'm waiting Ubuntu-10.04 release (April-29), then i can test Gtk
>> + 2.20, before
>> that, i will try to fix all bugs in Gtk+ 2.18.3
> I think conversion to Gtk+ 1.18 will take quite a bit longer. Mind you, 
> you've done the merging but
> there are plenty of functions that  need manual attention. I will of great 
> help if you merge the
> simple  functions that do not require any complicated memory management.  
> However, it is important
> to bind only those functions that are useful.  For instance, I've removed a 
> couple of key-binding
> signals that cannot  be used from within Gtk2Hs (at least not in the intended 
> way). If you  submit
> patches, please break them up into small pieces and leave all  complicated 
> functions in separate
> patches.
Okay, i will split current patches to *simple small patches* and
*complicated functions*.
I will ask your detail when i finish convert cabal. 
>>> Building
>>> --------
>>> The Gtk2Hs libraries need additional build tools. These live in tools/
>>> and can be configured and installed in the usual Cabal way. The three
>>> tools have awkward names starting with gtk2hs and are thus not likely
>>> to clash with other programs. If you install as --user, then you need
>>> to add ~/.cabal/bin to your path. (I've filed a bug that cabal should
>>> look in it's own /bin directory for build
>>> utilities.
>>>  )
>>> When configuring the gtk package, the cabal file will look for Gtk+
>>> 2.20 which you most likely don't have. You need to specify -f-
>>> gtk_2_20
>>> for Gtk+ 2.18 and -f-gtk_2_20 -f-gtk_2_18 for Gtk+ 2.16 and so on. (I
>>> have filed a feature request that Cabal should be able to infer the
>>> best possible choice of flags for pkg-config
>>> requirements.
>>>  )
>>> When compiling the Setup.hs program, you will see a warning that the
>>> Cabal version is guessed. If compilation succeeds, this warning can be
>>> ignored. (Cabal should really define CPP macros with it's version when
>>> it builds Setup.hs, see
>>>  )
>> Excellent, installation is damn fast, i just need 5 minutes to build
>> gtk2hs. :)
>> We should add `` similar with cabal-install's?
>> Then gtk2hs user just need *one* command to install all core packages,  and 
>> don't need
>> install those packages one by one.
> My script would contain:
> for pkg in glib cairo pango gtk; do cd $pkg; cabal clean; cabal configure 
> --user; cabal build; cabal
> haddock; cabal install; cd ..;  done;
> We could add such a script for us but the ordinary user will hopefully get 
> away with cabal-install.
Nice. :)

  -- Andy

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