I have used the 1 st generation vaccuum bags with mixed success, I packed  away 
a large bag with sweaters in them ,all nice and flat, under my bed. About 
sweater time rolling around ,I tried to remove said bag. Unhappily, the seal 
failed along the way and my sweaters "expanded" .I had to have 2 people jack up 
the foot of the bed so I could extradite them. All the while I thought they 
were "safe" and sealed up they were open and gathering dust,smells and moisture.
  The bags I bought were from the original designer, not a Pic n save knock 
off, they had the "zip lock "bag trac along the top and I figured failed at the 
very edges of the trac. Maybe a strip of duct tape might have aleveated the 
problem,but they never mention that in the info-mercials.
  The very small sized bags seem to do better in not cutting loose the 
seal.,maybe size is a factor.Or if you don't "smoosh" the all the way down to 
the krinkley stage, the may work ok
  My experience on the matter,

Susan Data-Samtak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  My 2 cebts worth:

I have used the Space Bags. They are great to keep stuff dry and 
clean. Also reduces bulk, somewhat, because they suck the excess air 


On Feb 22, 2008, at 7:43 PM, Natalie wrote:

> I'm sorry, I can't help give an opinion about those vacuum pack bags 
> as I haven't used them. I do know that they have those types of bags 
> for garments, and I'm sure they could be adapted to fabric. I've seen 
> them advertised on TV with the people packing away sweaters, >
> I hope that helps!
> Natalie
>> Hi, I'm moving and having to put a bunch of my fabric into a storage
>> locker (climate controlled). >> I might take a bug or two with me.
>>> Has anyone used the vacuum pack thingies that are for food to pack 
>> fabric for storage? I>>
>> Tia, Susan (moving to Seattle from the eastside)

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