On 10/04/12 10:43, Stuart Sears wrote:
On Mon, 9 Apr 2012 12:37:41 +0100, Ally Biggs wrote:
Idiots guide to LDAP, Samba and Getting your windows boxes to behave
with Linux. Does such a thing exist? I the problem with documentation
I have read I'm not being funny but usually it's over complicated
jargon, doesn't get to the point it's usually outdated, and samba ends
up broken with each windows release so nothing works. So then you have
to start making changes to your windows boxes to get samba to work.

For Linux client auth against modern AD, using kerberos and SSSD:



That's quite interesting stuff bookmarked for when I need to do the opposite of what I'm doing :) (which actually is on the cards in the next week or so!)


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