On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 08:29:28 +0100
Tim <t...@xendistar.co.uk> wrote:

Hello Tim,

>router first and if that is still a problem we will contact BT. Fault 
>turned out to be a broken line coming into the building so I would of 
>had to spend my time and money before Zen would call out BT to resolve 
>their line fault. I moved away from Zen at the end of the contract

The irony being that such behaviour from suppliers is in attempt to
*avoid* you incurring any costs;  If BT attend and no fault is found,
it's a minimum of £80.  Or was, five or so years ago.  Probably gone up
by now.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
There's no point in asking you'll get no reply
Pretty Vacant - Sex Pistols

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