On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 18:47:08 +0100
Keith Edmunds <k...@midnighthax.com> wrote:

Hello Keith,

>I believe it's £130. I can't help thinking BT would take a lot more

Well, I did say it's probably more now.   :-)

>interest if, when they attended and found there WAS a BT fault, they had
>to pay the subscriber £130. That would seem fair, wouldn't it?

Actually, they do.  But only after you've been without a line for a
period of time.  I don't recall what time scale it is, though.  They had
to compensate us for delays at installation time;  Two dozen telegraph
poles got replaced before an engineer could climb a ladder to run a bit
of cable three feet to our house.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
Is she really going out with him?
New Rose - The Damned

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